Selah turns 12

Praise the Lord for getting to celebrate another year of our daughter’s life! Selah asked to have her closest friends over for a day and a sleepover this year, so we made it happen. Year after year I am overwhelmingly grateful for these precious friends God has gifted Selah with. They are just truly my… Continue reading Selah turns 12

Summer 2021

FAMILY FRIENDS SURPRISES PROJECTS COOKING MOWING and BUILDING DEATH LIFE ADVENTURE DAHLIAS GRATITUDE And although I have no picture for this…I must document that this summer Elliott beat me AND Brian at ping-pong!! WHAT?!! He has come A LONG WAY since we got our table at Christmas. Way to go, Buddy!! So very thankful for… Continue reading Summer 2021

Elliott is eight!

And it sure has been great! (For the past 5 months….) It seems like my life motto might be “better late than never.” Sigh. So before I go any further, you all know we moved about 6 weeks before his birthday. So, to answer the question you will all be dying to ask–no, I did… Continue reading Elliott is eight!