Father Goose

Water has been a fairly constant presence in our marriage, from living in our first home together on Waterview and then moving to the Dominican Republic and Mexico, where we were within walking distance and/or sight of water. Now even living in land-locked Colorado, God somehow managed to gift us with this amazing piece of… Continue reading Father Goose

Summer 2021

FAMILY FRIENDS SURPRISES PROJECTS COOKING MOWING and BUILDING DEATH LIFE ADVENTURE DAHLIAS GRATITUDE And although I have no picture for this…I must document that this summer Elliott beat me AND Brian at ping-pong!! WHAT?!! He has come A LONG WAY since we got our table at Christmas. Way to go, Buddy!! So very thankful for… Continue reading Summer 2021

Love at First Cross-Stitch

Though we know it was in the year 2000, neither Brian nor I remember the first time we met. I so wish I could remember…and often wonder if we will get to replay that meet cute in Heaven one day. But although I don’t remember meeting him, I have always remembered him as being my friend.… Continue reading Love at First Cross-Stitch

Categorized as God, Marriage

Christmas in November

When it rains in November, it pours down (Christmas?) gifts. Look what happened all in the same WEEK: These two MOVED to town!!! And these two CAME TO VISIT!!!!  And we all met up here…”where faith and friends come together” :).   And look who has a ballet buddy now!!!!!   What in the world is… Continue reading Christmas in November

New Mercies Monday: Another Year

I’ll come clean–I was going to skip blogging this week. Yes, I had a birthday, but, well…I honestly just didn’t have too much to say about it this year. (I know, I know…which is surprising for this normally long-winded girl…) Until there I was at the gym right before the fitness class started, chatting with… Continue reading New Mercies Monday: Another Year