I’ll never forget the moment that, after weeks of battling the same problem with Elliott, I had a massive revelation. “The Scripture doesn’t say that my parenting techniques will not come back void…it says, ‘The WORD will not come back void.’” (Isaiah 55:11) I don’t know how I got two years into the whole parenting… Continue reading Scripture Summer!
Summer Time!
We’ve had such a FUN summer. I have been healthy, my kids are MORE FUN THAN EVER and we have just had a BLAST. Some highlights in photos: Adios, Summer!! You’ve been good to us. Now, bring on the warm boots, cozy sweaters, beautiful leaves and all the colors and smells of FALL….!!!!
Preschool Man!
This big man started preschool! We are SO PROUD of him and excited for this newest adventure! Some stats: Age: Almost 3 1/2 Height: 41 1/2 inches Shoe size: 11 Clothing size: 4 or 5T Loves: Balls, trucks, cars, “tiny” Legos, READING, aaaaannnnddd….apple sauce. Biggest accomplishments this summer: Writing his name all by himself, being able to… Continue reading Preschool Man!
The Lord is GOOD to me!
The first week that life returned to “normal” after we lost the baby, I was a total and complete disaster (to put it bluntly!). It was SO HARD to go back to “normal,” when nothing was normal! Everything was different. I buried my face in the Word and tried to fill every moment I could… Continue reading The Lord is GOOD to me!
Our Sons & Daughters
This post is dedicated to Kari McCabe :). Those of you who know me, know that I love to throw a good party. I used to be an avid crafter until, well, life got WAYYYYYY too busy for that. I still have managed to make time to throw my kids’ birthday parties and a shower… Continue reading Our Sons & Daughters
Life, Loss and Celebration
I have always been that person who has wanted to wait until it was “safe” to tell people about our pregnancies. I will tell the very, very closest, those safest to my heart right away, but I will wait to tell the rest. I have called this “my safety zone.” I’ve never been a big… Continue reading Life, Loss and Celebration
In His Shadow
What do you do? You stare at the ultra sound tech, who was gentle and quick with the news, and you ask stupid questions over and over, like, “what do you mean there’s no heart beat?” When there’s no answer that comes from her mouth, and only several unsatisfying, “I’m sorry’s,” you turn to… Continue reading In His Shadow
Our 3 Year Old Working Guy!
I will admit, I sort of dreaded March 20th this year. I am definitely a little sad that my baby boy has left the TWOS. I have LOVED watching him grow this year. Whereas when they are one I learn so much about their personalities, it is while he was two that I got to… Continue reading Our 3 Year Old Working Guy!
8 Weeks!
March 3, 2014: 8 weeks along I feel… -Grateful for new life. Grateful for the Lord’s mercy on me every day. -Up for the challenge. -Hopeful. -Aaaanndd…nauseous most all the time. 🙂 But not necessarily like I’m going to throw up all the time…only really when I’m eating and gag reflex is really bad. Or… Continue reading 8 Weeks!
An Irish Toast!
We are SO thrilled to announce we have another little life growing in my womb… Baby Trés Bien, due October 12, 2014! Why the nickname, you ask? Well, it’s just the only nickname that kept coming to mind when I found out we were pregnant. It’s baby number 3, which is where the “tres”… Continue reading An Irish Toast!