Summer Time!

We took our kids on their very first hike to celebrate Kari's birthday! It was so much fun!!!

We’ve had such a FUN summer. I have been healthy, my kids are MORE FUN THAN EVER and we have just had a BLAST. Some highlights in photos:   Adios, Summer!! You’ve been good to us. Now, bring on the warm boots, cozy sweaters, beautiful leaves and all the colors and smells of FALL….!!!!

Preschool Man!

"Say, what?!"

This big man started preschool! We are SO PROUD of him and excited for this newest adventure! Some stats: Age: Almost 3 1/2 Height: 41 1/2 inches Shoe size: 11 Clothing size: 4 or 5T Loves: Balls, trucks, cars, “tiny” Legos, READING, aaaaannnnddd….apple sauce. Biggest accomplishments this summer: Writing his name all by himself, being able to… Continue reading Preschool Man!

Categorized as Elliott

The Lord is GOOD to me!

Our lil' fam

The first week that life returned to “normal” after we lost the baby, I was a total and complete disaster (to put it bluntly!). It was SO HARD to go back to “normal,” when nothing was normal! Everything was different. I buried my face in the Word and tried to fill every moment I could… Continue reading The Lord is GOOD to me!

8 Weeks!

March 3, 2014: 8 weeks along I feel… -Grateful for new life. Grateful for the Lord’s mercy on me every day. -Up for the challenge. -Hopeful. -Aaaanndd…nauseous most all the time. 🙂 But not necessarily like I’m going to throw up all the time…only really when I’m eating and gag reflex is really bad. Or… Continue reading 8 Weeks!