What do you get when an engineer marries a writer and they have a baby? You get a very special little girl who sings The ABC’s With a Twist! Here is Selah performing at the school talent show last week! Here’s the long story for those of you are into that sort of thing…… Continue reading Selah Sings the ABC’s with a Twist
Elliott plays soccer!
Raise your hand if you remember this kid!! OH MY…the kid whose first word was “ball,” the kid who was only motivated to start walking when his Aunt and Uncle gave him a soccer ball for his first birthday and he realized he had to walk to kick it, the kid who has now had… Continue reading Elliott plays soccer!
2018 First Days of School
Well, another school year is off to the races…and this year, our baby girl headed off to kindergarten. She got a big girl backpack and lunchbox, and I just had to include The Kissing Hand in there for a little surprise. It’s a sweet little book about a little raccoon being nervous about going to… Continue reading 2018 First Days of School
Selah’s Last Day of Gymnastics…For Now
As you know, this little monkey has been thriving with gymnastics for years. Well, we knew as the 2018-2019 school year approached, Selah needed to make a decision. Her gymnastics classes were the same two days as school. We gave her the option of staying in gymnastics and continuing to be fully homeschooled, or going to what… Continue reading Selah’s Last Day of Gymnastics…For Now
2018 Last Days of School
Apparently I’m making it a tradition to just barely squeeze the Last Days of School post in before the start of the next school year… Well, we did it! Another school year down in the Moberg history books. We continued another year of partial homeschooling–so two days a week, Elliott went to school and Selah went… Continue reading 2018 Last Days of School
Flashback Friday
Today isn’t Friday. But after a wonderful loooong weekend of having Brian home, it feels like Monday with him back to work. And I wish it were Friday. And I wanted to title this post “Flashback”…and so we have morphed into “Flashback Friday.” There’s my wishful stream-of-consciousness-thinking for you all today. I will be the… Continue reading Flashback Friday
The Kip!!!
I’ve needed to take a hiatus from this little blog of ours…so although there are a million things I could tell about in the last many months, I must make this news hop up onto our blogosphere today! Selah has continued to love gymnastics and she is growing beautifully in the sport. Today, Brian and… Continue reading The Kip!!!
Lady Selah’s and Sir Brian’s Birthday!
Our Selah Beth…5 years old! My goodness, she continues to grow into a beautiful little girl–yes, with her adorable freckled face, but more importantly in her heart towards God and others. We are so blessed to be her parents!! She has thrived this last year. She is still loving gymnastics, learned how to ride her… Continue reading Lady Selah’s and Sir Brian’s Birthday!
Last Days of School
(Note: I have had this post 99% done for a month and then…#LIFE. So without further ado*… now that school’s basically about to start again…I present to you…the kids’ last days of school!) (* Did you know that is how “ado” is spelled???? I typed it “adieu” (because, duh) but decided to google it to save my… Continue reading Last Days of School
Elliott’s first missing teeth!
It all started at the end of May, after several “false alarms.” But this time, it was REALLY happening: Elliott’s bottom right tooth…WAS LOOSE!!! And then on June 8th, Brian tucked Elliott into bed like normal. But no sooner had he left Elliott’s room than Elliott leaped out of bed and yelled, “MY… Continue reading Elliott’s first missing teeth!