Leading up to her 7th birthday, I cannot count how many nights before bed Selah would suddenly burst into uncontrollable tears while I was snuggling her. When I could finally calm her down enough to tell me what was wrong, she would sob, “I just want to stay little forever so I can snuggle you… Continue reading Selah is 7! Let’s Paw-ty!!
Author: Susanne
2019 First Days of School!
Well another school year is off to the races! We had some bittersweet changes this year. Last year our beloved little 2-day-a-week school made some (really positive) changes. Namely, they are now requiring students to attend 3 full days and, for various reasons, it just wasn’t a great fit for our family. I think the… Continue reading 2019 First Days of School!
New Mercies Monday: 10 Years
Y’all. Brian and I have officially been married a decade!! Fireworks, please!!!! We celebrated the big 10 on August 8. Wow. As some of you know, it was my dream to have a 10 year anniversary celebration party and invite all of you but, alas, my plans are often not the Lord’s! Besides the fact… Continue reading New Mercies Monday: 10 Years
2019 Last Day Snow Day!
Happy Summer, Everyone! I cannot BEEEEE-LEEEEEVE how quickly this summer is flying by! Waaahhh!!! Our last day of school was a memorable one this year…not ONLY because we had snow, but the city had SO.MUCH.SNOW that they actually CANCELED SCHOOL. If you don’t believe me, ask me how many tears were shed that Tuesday morning.… Continue reading 2019 Last Day Snow Day!
Elliott is eight!
And it sure has been great! (For the past 5 months….) It seems like my life motto might be “better late than never.” Sigh. So before I go any further, you all know we moved about 6 weeks before his birthday. So, to answer the question you will all be dying to ask–no, I did… Continue reading Elliott is eight!
Selah’s Sixth Birthday Selahbration
I am pretty sure that before every single birthday party we throw for our kids, I say, “Let’s keep it simple.” And every year, it just ends up being far from that. I seriously don’t know how it happens EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. This year for Selah’s birthday was no different…we decided to let her choose one friend… Continue reading Selah’s Sixth Birthday Selahbration
Elliott’s 7th Soccer Birthday!
I know you have all been up losing sleep at night wondering what Elliott did for his 7th birthday. Well, now that he’s near turning 8, I figured I’d put a post up about it so you could all get some sleep. 😉 We had a soccer birthday party for him with a little soccer… Continue reading Elliott’s 7th Soccer Birthday!
Christmas Before and Afters
As you all know, we moved into our new home just a couple of days before Christmas last year. We are so unbelievably blessed and grateful for this home; I love it more than any home we have ever lived in! But even so, I still have this teensy weensy little passion for making things… Continue reading Christmas Before and Afters
Once Upon a Turtle
Once upon a time, the lord of a not-so-faraway land came home after work and, as was the habit, asked his young son if he’d like to take a quick four-wheeler ride. The prince jumped into his cowboy boots and buckled his helmet on while the lady of the land got the princess ready for bed. But this… Continue reading Once Upon a Turtle
New Mercies Monday: Gratitude
I started this post LAST Monday, and after a particularly challenging week it feels like the perfect day to take a moment to stop, pause, think about how great our God is…and finish this post!! The truth is, I fall asleep every night thanking God for so many victories every day…small things that I used to… Continue reading New Mercies Monday: Gratitude