2 Months Old!

Our baby is growing up so fast! He is the most smiley baby I’ve ever met…he literally lights up every time he sees Brian or me with a smile and a giggle that could melt the hardest of hearts. I couldn’t possibly count the amount of minutes I spend each day just smiling at him… Continue reading 2 Months Old!

Categorized as Elliott

My Birthday!

A few favorites from my birthday:1. Having the gift of sweet baby Elliott.2. Getting to spend another birthday with my Love.3. Celebrating with several of my dearest friends.4. EATING MY FACE OFF.A couple things I missed on my birthday:1. My family. Holidays make it even harder that they’re far away…2. My Colorado friends and my… Continue reading My Birthday!

Happiest of all Days

Happy Mother’s Day to me, the most blessed mom on the planet. I couldn’t be more grateful to be Elliott’s mom…that makes me the most blessed woman on Earth. Brian has been saying he couldn’t wait to celebrate Mother’s Day ever since about month 2 of puking my guts out. My husband has so much vision… Continue reading Happiest of all Days

Elliott’s First Easter

Elliott’s first holiday was actually fairly uneventful. No Easter egg hunts for us this year! But we did get him dressed up in a cute little outfit and made it to church. Here are a few shots from our day! (P.S. The beautiful blue blanket was made for us by our friend Shirley! Elliott loves… Continue reading Elliott’s First Easter

Categorized as Elliott

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

In some ways, it feels like we’ve had Elliott our entire lives. In others, it seems like we just got home from the hospital yesterday. Each day feels like 10 days, but at the same time I get to the end of the day and find myself saying, “Where did today go?!?” My life is… Continue reading Happy 1 Month Birthday!

Categorized as Elliott

Sweet Baby Elliott

Well, hello. 🙂 Elliott is now officially 3 weeks old (UM, where on earth did the last 3 weeks go?!?) and I have spent close to *no* time sitting at my computer. We spend our days giving kisses and squeezes to our sweet baby Elliott. If he were Native American, his name would totally be “Smothered… Continue reading Sweet Baby Elliott