My delight.

Zephaniah 3:17 17 The LORD your God is with you,    he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,    he will quiet you with his love,    he will rejoice over you with singing.” I am starting to get it.  It’s just incredible how much I delight over my son…and I’m learning anew daily… Continue reading My delight.

Do The Puyallup

The Puyallup Fair is so cool that its website is Now, come on…you don’t get much cooler than that.  Brian wanted to bring Elliott to his very first Puyallup Fair for one reason, and one reason alone… THE TRACTORS.  Elliott and I both learned about the two major tractor companies represented at the fair…John… Continue reading Do The Puyallup

A Very Happy Half Birthday!

Our sweet baby boy is 6 months old! The joy that he brings to our lives is indescribable…we just cherish every second with our little man! One of the best parts about this last month is that Elliott is learning that he can joke around with us. He LOVES to fake laugh just to watch… Continue reading A Very Happy Half Birthday!

Categorized as Elliott

Good Times, Great Oldies

And when I say “oldies” I’m not referring to age here, people. These are some of Brian’s oldest friends. Again, I’m not talkin’ wrinkles and gray hairs, but length of friendship years. Kristin and Denise have known Brian since even before I knew Brian (gasp!) and are two of the biggest “Brian Moberg” fans that… Continue reading Good Times, Great Oldies

Categorized as Friends


We spent a week in Colorado visiting friends and family! We dressed Elliott in his Bronco colors and hopped on the plane! He is becoming an expert flyer!   Elliott hasn’t seen Grandpa and Nonna since he was one week old! Getting re-acquainted with his cousin Fable “Elliott, I’m a princess…here, take my hand!” Who can sit… Continue reading Colorado

Categorized as Family

Cheeseburger Paradise

So it’s not a huge secret that I had a cheeseburger or two (um, every single day) of my second and third trimesters of my pregnancy with Elliott. I am convinced that’s why he’s so strong and healthy!! You’ve gotta consume over 100 grams of protein daily when you’re roasting a bun in your oven!… Continue reading Cheeseburger Paradise

Categorized as Elliott

Tacos, Faith and a Step Into The Unknown!

We have some news. And every time I’ve mentioned to someone that we have some news, the response has–almost 100% of the time–always been, “Oh my goodness, you’re either pregnant or you’re moving.” Well, we’re not pregnant, so…. You guessed it! We’re moving. Yes, yes. You read that right. Now you must wondering, “To where?”… Continue reading Tacos, Faith and a Step Into The Unknown!

2 Years of BLISS

Sometimes I just still can’t believe that he picked ME…. Brian and I celebrated two years of wedded bliss on August 8th. It was the perfect day. We spent a quick hour or so at Point Defiance Park during Elliott’s quick awake time. We’re excited for him to be able to stay awake longer stretches… Continue reading 2 Years of BLISS

Categorized as Marriage