
This post is a little late, but since we’re STILL thankful, I figured it would be okay to post a post-Thanksgiving post :). (How many times and different ways can YOU use “post” in a sentence?) We had a very unique Thanksgiving this year! The staff wanted to celebrate, despite the fact that we were… Continue reading Thankful…still!

Meet the Staff!

MEET THE STAFF! Malcolm Malcolm is the leader of this base and is originally from England. He is a genius when it comes to strategy and logistical details. He has been serving in missions for over 18 years and personally recruited every staff member to pioneer this base!  Danny & Danae Danny and Danae were… Continue reading Meet the Staff!

Home is Where You Hang Your Mosquito Net

Estamos aqui, afuera de Santo Domingo, La Republica Dominicana! For all you English speakers, I just said: Here we are, just outside of Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic! This is the sign that welcomed us just after we got through customs…Ahhh, we’re finally here!!!!  Still can’t picture where we are? Let me help you. Here is… Continue reading Home is Where You Hang Your Mosquito Net


“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12   I grew up with dreams. And I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my dreams are from God. That He, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, planted these dreams in my heart long… Continue reading Dreams

7 Months!

There are so many milestones that happen between 6 and 7 months! Elliott started eating solids and has become a super confident mover! He can make his way anywhere he wants to–and quickly at that! I’ve been telling new moms the secret to getting their child to crawl: put them in a room where they’re not… Continue reading 7 Months!

Categorized as Elliott

Adios, Amigos

Leaving our family and friends is for sure the hardest part about leaving… We’re going to miss everyone so, so much… Adios, familia A “Hello, Elliott,” and “Goodbye, Mobergs, etc.” party 🙂 Adios, amigos Lots of friends gathered to say goodbye, Mexican fiesta style. Elliott wore this AWESOME hand-me-down from the Hippes! It’s a Mexican soccer… Continue reading Adios, Amigos