For the joy set before me…

"Baby Beta"...due October 1st (ish...)

We are overjoyed to announce the newest addition to this Moberg family…I have the honor of growing another sweet little love in my womb!!! I have just crossed the 11 week mark in my pregnancy, and I’m not going to lie–the last 5 weeks have had their fair share of challenges. Nothing compared to my pregnancy… Continue reading For the joy set before me…

11 Months Old!

11 months…11 months…11 months… You know what comes next, don’t you? I can barely even type the words… THE. ONE. YEAR. MARK. Good grief! My baby is so BIG!!! Elliott continues to be a crawling, climbing, laughing, smiling, babbling bundle of contagious joy. He’s been working hard this month on feeding himself real food, repeating… Continue reading 11 Months Old!

Categorized as Elliott

Double Digits, Dude

So kind...

Our son is officially in the double digits!! The big 1-0!! 10 MONTHS!!! The next time we’ll be able to say that will be when he is 10 years old, which feels like it’s going to happen in the blink of an eye. March 20, 2021 is practically next week! Well, big surprise—Elliott continues to… Continue reading Double Digits, Dude

Categorized as Elliott

Livin’ La Vida en Mexico

Here’s a little glimpse into our world here! We spend pretty much every day on the YWAM base so we thought we’d let you into our lives through some pictures :). The Defender Center, which is the main building on the YWAM base here, is where all of our meetings and meals are held. It… Continue reading Livin’ La Vida en Mexico

Categorized as YWAM Tagged

Elliott’s First Christmas!

DISCLAIMER! I wrote this post the day after Christmas, and then was without internet to upload the photos! So, it’s late…but better late than never :). Enjoy! I remember last Christmas so vividly…not the presents, not the people, not the events…no, all of my thoughts were consumed with the idea that next Christmas we would have… Continue reading Elliott’s First Christmas!

9 Months of Glory

Well, Elliott has –almost–officially been out of my tummy longer than he was in it! On December 20, Elliott turned 9 months old! 9 months of watching this perfect little baby grow into a perfect bigger baby…9 months of cuddling him and rocking him and documenting every milestone…AND…not to mention, 9 MONTHS OF NOT THROWING… Continue reading 9 Months of Glory

Categorized as Elliott

The Greatest, The One

Matthew 18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles… Continue reading The Greatest, The One

Jesus Loves Elliott

Elliott has a “Jesus Loves Me” book, which we read or sing to him almost every night. One day Brian was playing with Elliott and started singing the song. Elliott dropped his toys and immediately started looking for the book, and then found it! We decided to put it beneath another book and see if he… Continue reading Jesus Loves Elliott

Categorized as Elliott

San Pedro Snap Shot

Here’s a snap shot of our time in the Dominican Republic, serving with YWAM San Pedro!   Brian worked on lots of projects around the base. Here’s a picture I took through our window as he installed some security lights around the property of the base. He also tagged along with a staff member interviewing… Continue reading San Pedro Snap Shot