Summer 2021


Can you spy the new member of the Moberg family?



Letters from authors the kids had written, a shimmery purple-blue butterfly, two hot air balloon landings on our property one morning and a creature that we still can’t identify!


Brian and Elliott rebuilt the crumbling concrete wall surrounding the drain to our lake. Selah even jumped in (quite literally) to help from time to time.


Selah cooked many different meals this summer, but by far her favorite thing to do was make her own creations. She particularly enjoyed making dessert creations for us…imagine that :).


Ummm, yes, that IS Elliott driving our 100 horse power tractor ALL.BY.HIMSELF. Thus begins the time when my 10 year old can do things I’ve never done. He also built a floor in our attic, so add that to the list!


With GREAT HOPE for spending eternity with our friend…


In case you couldn’t spot him in the Moberg family photo, meet the kids’ new cousin: baby Beckett!




And although I have no picture for this…I must document that this summer Elliott beat me AND Brian at ping-pong!! WHAT?!! He has come A LONG WAY since we got our table at Christmas. Way to go, Buddy!!

So very thankful for the Summer of 2021!


4 responses to “Summer 2021”

  1. A.Adele & U.Serge Avatar

    What a wonderful, uplifting post! We are so touched as you take us along on your adventures. And everyone is looking so healthy and well, thank you for sharing!
    Lots of love as always,
    A.Adele & U.Serge xxxooo

  2. Suzanna McDowell Avatar
    Suzanna McDowell

    Ohmygosh! This is so full of delight!! You got hot air balloons OF YOUR OWN??? We are over at the Lift off like chumps, and the balloons just come to you!!
    You grew Uncle Joe’s dahlias?? Successfully in Co Springs?? I mean, really…are you claiming that THISE are in your garden as a result of a distant tuber gift…This actually makes me kinda jealous…I don’t have any tuber gifts. Probably time for you to pay it forward…
    And Elliott doing ALL THE GROWN UP THINGS. Ohhhhh my. My heart. It’s too much. ❤️🥰. Too fast. On that note, Samuel turns 13 tomorrow and he is taller than me as of this week. My heart.

    1. Susanne Avatar

      Just call me “the balloon magnet” from now on. And I will CERTAINLY pay you forward some dahlia tubers!! This will be my first year attempting to dig them up and store them so if all goes well, come get yo’ dahlias!! Ohhhh happiest 13th birthday to Samuel!! 13. I can’t believe it. The world needs more 13 year olds like him.

  3. Helen Mauss Avatar
    Helen Mauss

    Great photos! Can’t wait to see you all this week for Selah’s birthday!

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