Elliott’s 7th Soccer Birthday!

I know you have all been up losing sleep at night wondering what Elliott did for his 7th birthday. Well, now that he’s near turning 8, I figured I’d put a post up about it so you could all get some sleep. 😉

We had a soccer birthday party for him with a little soccer program that the kids had attended the last couple of years. It’s super FUN and this coach was their absolute favorite. He’s like a cartoon character. So when we heard he did birthday parties, we were all in!!

It started off with a hilarious circle time and some stretches…

And then some super fun games…

A much needed water break… (The kids and I personalized these water bottles for the guests!)

And, of course…cake time! We bought Elliott a new soccer ball and each of his friends got to sign it!

Some of you have had the blessed opportunity to partake in the Moberg family birthday cake tradition of…MUD PIE. Oh my, this is probably my all-time favorite dessert and all the secrets of the trade have been passed down to me from my father-in-law. I decided to tweak the recipe a bit to turn the mud pie into mini mud pie cupcakes and, of course, turn them into soccer balls. YUMMMMM.

It was a super fun time surrounded by friends and family!

Happy 7th birthday, biggest man!!! (Okay, is it me or did this kid grow up SO MUCH this year?!!! He’s practically a MAN!!)


5 responses to “Elliott’s 7th Soccer Birthday!”

  1. Aunt Paula Avatar
    Aunt Paula

    Belated birthday wishes to Elliott! It looked like such a fun, loving celebration:-)
    Here’s to the 8th – can’t wait to see how you celebrate that!

    A Paula & U Joe xoxo

  2. Aunt Adele Avatar
    Aunt Adele

    You did it once again, Susanne & Brian! What great memories you are all making together! Keep it up and keep keeping us posted, when you send an update it is a bright spot in our day!
    Love you all,
    A. Adele & U. Serge xxxooo

  3. Grandma and Grandpa Avatar
    Grandma and Grandpa

    We had so much fun at Elliott’s 7th birthday! We are looking forward to celebrating his 8th birthday soon.

  4. Helen Mauss Avatar
    Helen Mauss

    And mud pie soccer balls are my new fave!!

  5. Suz Avatar

    I love, love the pic of Elliott cheering against the wall, fists in the air!!! What a great party.

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