Christmas Countdown 2016

Enjoy our Christmas Countdown in pictures!!

The kids could hardly contain their joy opening an envelope each day:


Cutting down Finding the perfect tree at Home Depot and decorating it!

 The kids decorated their own Christmas apron to wear while crafting the rest of the month! They also made pretty cute handprint baby Jesus in a manger dough ornaments.


Breakfast in Bethlehem!!

 Snowman pancakes day!!


Play in the snow day!!


Elliott and Daddy took a last-minute airplane/road trip so I sent the Christmas countdown activity with him. The show must go on!! And creative Daddy even brought Christmas lights to adorn the inside of the new truck they picked up.

 The kids’ first sewing lesson: Finger Puppet Nativity Set


I hid 6 plastic bags filled with Nativity puzzle pieces around the house and the kids had to find them all and put them together. It was HILARIOUS watching them search. They even got a flashlight out to help them ;).


No mess glitter stickers (those things are AWESOME!!!) that we turned into thank you cards and, of course, playdough cupcakes to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.


Cookie decorating at our friends’ house!


Christmas light tour, complete with a scavenger hunt list of things to find outside!


Bass Pro Shop with cousins!


Zoo Lights with friends!! Selfie with a giraffe? Check.


FRIENDS!!! Oh the joy!!!!


Search your stockings for new CHRISTMAS JAMMIES!!!!


Super special presents from Erika!!


Christmas Eve Day…Elliott and Selah both got to open one present and we also opened a family present: a new game to play!


Christmas Eve Eve…Church and Teppanyaki!


Christmas Day…We had a white-ish Christmas!


Day-after Christmas with my family! Everyone is all together!

 Is anyone else already counting down until next Christmas like our kids??

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good year!


3 responses to “Christmas Countdown 2016”

  1. Erika Avatar

    I ❤️ Moberg Christmas Countdown!!

  2. Suz Avatar

    Have you ever considered that you are actually ELF and not human??? Because…this is amazing. <3

  3. The Vigil Family Avatar

    Wow!!!! Loving all these photos!! Why is it that the kids look so big?!? Oh I know because I haven’t seen y’all in 4ever!! Well know we love you and that your family is always in our prayers <3 xoxo ~Priscilla

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