Our big 4 year old started Pre-K this month! He is going to a very small little preschool that we just love so far. The director is wonderful, the teachers are incredibly loving and…his good buddy Malachi is in his class!! How could it get any better? 🙂 This preschool as the option of letting the kids stay an extra 45 minutes afterwards to eat lunch. I was not even thinking about that as an option but when Elliott found out about it he begged me to let him stay. So…alas…I let him stay for lunch on the first day (sniff, sniff…) And as you can see below, that is one of his top three favorite things about school!
Some stats:
Age: Almost 4 1/2
Height: 44 1/2 inches
Shoe size: 12
Clothing size: 5T and 6
Loves: CRAFTING. Oh my, how this child loves to craft. He could literally sit and craft all day (and often does!) He loves to write letters to people and make cards and pictures for others. He also still LOVES to read and build.
When he grows up he wants to be: “A space man and a firefighter.”
Favorite part of Pre-K so far: “Eating snack and eating lunch.” When I asked if there was anything else he said, “I have one more thing…that Brooklyn is there!” and then he got a huge smile on his face, turned beet red, and ran away… haha!! 🙂

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…us girls went and got coffee and hot chocolate at our favorite little local coffee shop…and then went to the park, of course!

We went home, ate lunch, and raced back to pick up Elliott, whom we missed so much!

All in all, it was a great first day and a successful first week of school!
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