I will be honest, I wasn’t sure this day would actually ever come…
Our sweet little girl has taken after her mother, who didn’t have hair for a very, very long time. I had put away her baby book, expecting to pull it out in a few years again to record her “first hair cut” moment…you know, when she actually would have some hair.
But then…a couple of months ago, Brian said to me, “Hey…do we need to do anything with Selah’s hair? It’s looking pretty…scraggly….”
“Of course we don’t,” I immediately answered. “It is growing out and we will not cut a single hair.”
Now, none of my (in-town) friends have little girls Selah’s age, and so–I’ll be honest–I don’t have much help when it comes to the areas that I’m not so “natural” at…and hair is one of those areas. Selah’s been going to a gymnastics class since September and is finally gaining some little girlfriends. One week, one of the moms was talking about how she had to cut her little girl’s hair many times in order to “get it to grow in fuller and faster.” I asked her what she meant by that, and another mom chimed in saying, “Oh, yes. My girls, too…you have to trim it to get it to grow.” I asked a couple other friends who have girls and everyone agreed–“you’ve got to trim it to get it to grow.”
Let me just say, I still don’t really think I believe it 🙂 but after I thought about it for a while, Selah’s hair totally started to drive me crazy, and I realized they were right–it needed to be cut. At least a bob would be more feminine than the “wild mullet look.” So…with bated breath I broke the news to Brian and we got her in as quickly as I could make an appointment.
Here are some BEFORE pictures:

When I asked her if she would like to get her hair cut, she got SO excited and said, “Yeah!! I sit in the car like Elliott!!” We go to a kid’s place for Elliott that has toys and little cars for the boys (or girls!) to sit in. He’s long outgrown the cars, and in fact, I think she only saw him in one once, but that’s still what sticks out in her mind. So I was wondering if she would choose a car, but she was excited to sit in the big chair with the princess mirror….

I couldn’t get a good “after” picture at the place because as SOON as the lady put her hair up and said she was all done, Selah JUMPED out of the chair so she could go play with the toys.

Some AFTER pictures:
Oooohhhh, the difficulties of getting this girl to smile on demand! “Selah, please look just look at me REAL QUICKLY and smile!!”

Her hair is still too thin and short for a true bob, but hopefully now that it’s cut it will “grow in fuller and faster” like everyone keeps saying it will. I’ll believe it when I see it :). In the meantime, she’s perfectly adorable and we love her!!!!!

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