Mmm, mmm…gooood???

I dread starting solids. Solids makes everything about infants WAY more complicated. You start solids and suddenly they’re applying for college. Not my favorite. 🙁

I delayed as long as I could, but I could tell Selah was starting to need more to eat in a day. So, at about 6 and 1/2 months, we finally took the plunge. We decided to start with carrots…

“Ooh! That looks different…and quite yummy!”


“WHOA! Mama, I think you’ve made a big, BIG mistake!!”
“Bleh! That DOES NOT seem edible!”
“I mean, seriously! Should I spit this out? What’s going to happen if I swallow??!!”
“Let me get this out of mouth!”
“I think my tongue’s on fire.”
“I’ll eat this instead. Yes, this tastes MUCH better.”
“Whew! Well, glad THAT’S over…”





2 responses to “Mmm, mmm…gooood???”

  1. […] After begging and pleading with me, I finally allowed her to start some solids… […]

  2. Chrisy Avatar

    LOL…HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! Caleb likes the taste of his bib too!!

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