"WHOA! Mama, I think you've made a big, BIG mistake!!"
I dread starting solids. Solids makes everything about infants WAY more complicated. You start solids and suddenly they’re applying for college. Not my favorite. 🙁
I delayed as long as I could, but I could tell Selah was starting to need more to eat in a day. So, at about 6 and 1/2 months, we finally took the plunge. We decided to start with carrots…
“Ooh! That looks different…and quite yummy!”
“WHOA! Mama, I think you’ve made a big, BIG mistake!!”“Bleh! That DOES NOT seem edible!”“I mean, seriously! Should I spit this out? What’s going to happen if I swallow??!!”“Let me get this out of mouth!”“I think my tongue’s on fire.”“I’ll eat this instead. Yes, this tastes MUCH better.”“Whew! Well, glad THAT’S over…”
LOL…HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! Caleb likes the taste of his bib too!!