Elliott is TWO!!

Where do I even begin with my most precious baby Elliott, who is TWO on March 20?! Though I could easily write a book filled with stories and anecdotes about my little man, I will–try to–be brief :). Here are a few characteristics that mark our energetic, goofy, smart, kind baby boy. Elliott is a gentle,… Continue reading Elliott is TWO!!

Categorized as Elliott

Selah B, 5 months

I honestly can’t believe it. How on earth did my teeny tiny just-over-8-pounds baby girl turn into  15 pounds, 26 inches of a little person?!? Selah grew up this month. No, I don’t just mean that she grew…I mean, she grew up. Selah is starting to feel like a contributing part of our family. I… Continue reading Selah B, 5 months

Categorized as Selah


*This post is the first in a series on Victorious Parenting. Click on the label to the right to read all posts in this series.* Dear, dear Friends, I’m starting a series of blog posts centered around the theme of victorious parenting. I want to share a little bit of my heart, honestly exposed for… Continue reading Eureka!

Selah B, 4 months

Selah, 4 months

Selah B turned 4 months old on February 8th. Sorry to make you wait for the very exciting happenings in this 4 month old’s life!! Selah is 14 lbs and 25 ¼ inches worth of 4 month utter perfection. She is just the sweetest little thing…I can hardly handle her sweetness. She loves people. She hasn’t been… Continue reading Selah B, 4 months

Categorized as Selah