Where do I even begin with my most precious baby Elliott, who is TWO on March 20?! Though I could easily write a book filled with stories and anecdotes about my little man, I will–try to–be brief :). Here are a few characteristics that mark our energetic, goofy, smart, kind baby boy. Elliott is a gentle,… Continue reading Elliott is TWO!!
Month: March 2013
Selah B, 5 months
I honestly can’t believe it. How on earth did my teeny tiny just-over-8-pounds baby girl turn into 15 pounds, 26 inches of a little person?!? Selah grew up this month. No, I don’t just mean that she grew…I mean, she grew up. Selah is starting to feel like a contributing part of our family. I… Continue reading Selah B, 5 months
A Victorious Mother
*This post is part of a series on Victorious Parenting. Click on the label to the right to read all posts in this series.* Motherhood. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read that word? Go ahead, think about it. I hope that, for you, thoughts of your beautiful children fill… Continue reading A Victorious Mother
*This post is the first in a series on Victorious Parenting. Click on the label to the right to read all posts in this series.* Dear, dear Friends, I’m starting a series of blog posts centered around the theme of victorious parenting. I want to share a little bit of my heart, honestly exposed for… Continue reading Eureka!
Our Sombrero’s Off to You!
Well, amigos, the Mexican Mobergs are officially hanging up their sombreros and saying, “Adios” to Meh-hee-koe. It was exactly a year and a half ago that we decided to completely abandon life as we knew it and take what was, for us, a bold step of faith, and become missionaries outside of this broken little city… Continue reading Our Sombrero’s Off to You!
Post Partum…pinks!
Thoughts on life and love, now that pink has invaded my world… Selah. I have a daughter and her name is Selah. She is real, a fact that I have to remind myself of every time I pick her up and see her bright blue eyes twinkling back at me behind those mile-long lashes. She… Continue reading Post Partum…pinks!
Selah B, 4 months
Selah B turned 4 months old on February 8th. Sorry to make you wait for the very exciting happenings in this 4 month old’s life!! Selah is 14 lbs and 25 ¼ inches worth of 4 month utter perfection. She is just the sweetest little thing…I can hardly handle her sweetness. She loves people. She hasn’t been… Continue reading Selah B, 4 months