One day, Suzanna and I were waiting in the border line and we had a conversation that went something like this:
Me: “Hey, I’d really love to take some pregnancy family photos, and I was wondering if you were any good at taking pictures…?”
Suzanna (without hesitation and with a huge smile): “No!! I’m not!! But I would love to!!!!”
Well, the following are the handiwork of that “not-very-good-at-taking-pictures” woman! I have to make the disclaimer that I am very well aware of the fact that these finished photos (with my incredibly amateur editing skills using a free program) do not in any way compare to the skills of all of my amazing photographer friends, but…seriously, I couldn’t be happier with them!! I love them!!! It probably helps quite a bit that we live in a BEAUTIFUL place, but I’m telling you…Suzanna may be your next famous photographer!!
Here are a few of my favorites!!
Elliott wasn’t really into taking photos…note to self: a boy who loves the beach will not be content being held while we stand in sand…he only wants to be in the sand…

We finally let Elliott sit down in the sand, which made him very happy :). He sat there watching the sand drop through his fingers like the most amazing miracle was happening before his eyes…

My sweet baby boy, who is now 17 months old!!

We let Elliott play in the sand for a bit and caught some couple shots:

No beach trip is complete without being thrown into the air, right?

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