Then & Now




Then…Maternity clothes starting in the THIRD trimester…

Beginning of the THIRD trimester with Elliott

Now…maternity clothes starting in the FIRST trimester.

End of the FIRST trimester this pregnancy.

Then…Throwing up around the clock

Now…throwing up at the most three times a day (hence, the maternity clothes sooner)


Then…Couldn’t keep any food or liquid down in the middle of the night…

Now…eating constantly throughout the night…(hence, the maternity clothes sooner!) 🙂


Then…a super detailed pregnancy journal.

Now…an empty pregnancy journal, yet to be written in.



A cheeseburger a day keeps the doctor away


…and I AM…very, VERY happy with this in my hand

Then…a count-down till the due date.

Now…a count-down till bedtime. When am I due again?


Then…Painted the nursery blue…

The little boy who stole my heart.

Now…will paint the nursery PINK!

Baby Girl Moberg, coming soon!


3 responses to “Then & Now”

  1. Name Avatar

    Once again, amazingly creative and beautifully done! Loved getting to read it, and am so happy you got to go in this direction this time around!!

  2. Jillian Avatar

    Woops, that last comment was me, forgot to include my name! 🙂

  3. adrienne Avatar

    Wow!! A boy and a girl!! So fab! I love these “then and now”s.

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