3D Ultrasound of our little man!

So a couple weeks ago, we couldn’t help but shell out a bit of cash to get a second glimpse at our little baby boy. The first ultrasound was sooo amazing, and the thought of being able to peek at him again was a temptation we couldn’t resist.

3D-4D ultrasound is just incredible. There are no other words for it…the fact that we can see a 3D image of our baby while he’s in my womb is almost more than I comprehend. At first his umbilical cord was across his lips like a big mustache, so we couldn’t see the lower half of his face. But later he moved and then it was spread across his neck so we could get a full view of his face. Here are some of our favorites:

Well, who do YOU think he looks like???!!!

Isn’t this CRAZY?! There he is!!!!! And no, that’s not a huge growth on his face–he’s pressed up against my placenta, which is that mass covering the right side of his face.  And that dark-ish substance around his neck is the umbilical cord. I just think this shot is so cute :). Isn’t he so sweet?!?

He’s smiling :).
Look at how chill he looks! Here, he’s got both his hands behind his neck and you can see his elbows kind of resting beneath his chin. Just chillin’ in Mama’s womb… 😉
Profile view, left hand behind his neck.
This is one of my favorites..look at him just crossing his feet like it ain’t no thang :).  (In case it’s hard to tell…this is a profile view of his legs. His knees are on the right side of the photo, and his feet are crossed on the left.)
Front view without the placenta in his face! The umbilical cord around his neck kinda freaks me out…but the ultrasound tech assured me he’s okay and won’t choke…
Love this! He still has his hands behind his neck, and now he’s pulled his feet up to his face! Just showing off how flexible he is! 🙂
His little feet are crossed again…I just think it’s the cutest when he does that!! See all of his little toes on his right foot?? SOOO STINKIN’ CUTE. 

So there he is, folks! Our adorable little man. We can’t WAIT to see him on the outside. It kind of feels like “cheating” to be able to see him so clearly while he’s still in my womb, but we’ve both discovered that waiting to be surprised when it comes to our baby is not our strong suit. 🙂

We have 25 more pictures and a 30 minute DVD if you ever have some time to waste and want to come see more of our little man. 🙂

We adore him…and are counting down the days!


2 responses to “3D Ultrasound of our little man!”

  1. Ermine and Pearls Avatar

    This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen! It's so clear! He's RIGHT THERE! When we did it with Fay, the picture was sort of… blobbish. But not this one! It's unbelievable! Hurry up, little man! We wanna meet you!

  2. Annie Peterson Avatar

    What a little peanut! He looks quite happy in there. 🙂

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